Sunday, January 18, 2009

By Any Means Necessary

As his speech reaches its conclusion Malcolm X puts forward his main idea and what is most associated with him. The next paragraph sums up what Malcolm X believed in and how far he was willing to go to achieve his aims.

"Well when any time you live in a society that is supposedly based upon law, and it doesn't enforce its own laws because the colour of a mans skin happens to be wrong then i say those people are justified to resort to any means necessary to bring about justice where there government cant give them justice"

This is the main belief of Malcolm X. That the normal common person can over throw the government if it is treating them unfairly, particularly when it come to racism. What he means by "by any means necessary" is quite explanatory as he is willing to do anything, absolutely anything to achieve his aims and goals for an America without racism even if it involves violence he is willing to go that extra mile to get freedom for the oppressed black people of America.

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